Interview with my grandmother, born in 1939, about food and schoollife
I've interviewed my grandmother about school or eating habits at her household. This is what she said. Before kindergarten, when the parents had to work, they could drop their child off at day care from the age of 1,5. This wasn’t done so often, since the wife often didn’t work and stayed home as a housewife. Then the child/children could stay at home during the day. Now, in most families, both of the parents have jobs and work during the day, so we use day care as an alternative. You started school at the age of 3, instead of 2,5. You had 3 years of kindergarten, as we do now. From kindergarten on, boys and girls were put in different schools. There was strict control to avoid boys coming to the gates of the girls’ school, or the other way around, or they checked near tram stops in the environment of the schools. If you were caught doing so, you were punished. In kindergarten and primary school today, it is a habit to bring a treat to school if it’s your birthday. Back then...